What You Need to Know to Settle a Kentucky Wrongful Death Claim

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There is no way that the painful loss of your spouse, your child, or your parent is ever going to be put behind you. Whether it has been a week, a month, or a year since your loved one died, you know that life will never be the same. While the pain is with you every single day, the last thing that you want to do is to relive the horror over and over again—but at the same time, you want and need to recover for the financial and emotional loss that your loved one’s death has caused.

Many Kentucky Wrongful Death Cases Settle before Trial

Every wrongful death case is different, and no responsible Kentucky wrongful death lawyer can give you a certain date on which your case will settle. However, most cases do settle before trial, and there are things that you can do to encourage a settlement. Specifically, you can:

  • Share everything that you know about the accident that took your loved one’s life with your trusted wrongful death lawyer.
  • Provide accurate documentation about your loved one’s income, expenses, and any other financial losses that you suffered as a result of your loved one’s death.
  • Answer your lawyer’s questions so that non-economic damages, such as your emotional loss, can be fairly calculated.
  • Have reasonable expectations about your recovery.

Together, you and an experienced Kentucky wrongful death attorney can work toward a fair and equitable recovery.

Call a Louisville Wrongful Death Lawyer Today to Discuss Your Options

We invite you to contact our experienced Louisville wrongful death lawyers today for more information about settling your own wrongful death case after a car accident, truck wreck, medical malpractice mistake, or other form of negligent or deliberate behavior killed your loved one. We can be reached via this website or by calling 800.634.8767 or 502.210.8942 for a FREE consultation.