Medication Errors

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My spouse was given the wrong medication in the hospital and he died. Do I have a wrongful death case? Should I call a Lexington wrongful death lawyer?

Related Links: How to Know if Medical Malpractice Caused a Kentucky Wrongful Death What to Consider When Filing a Kentucky Wrongful Death Case We are sorry to hear about the loss of your spouse. We understand that this can be a very difficult time for…

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What steps can I take at the pharmacy to avoid a Kentucky prescription error?

With the rising cost of healthcare, it is common for patients to focus more on the cost of their prescription medication than on the drugs the pharmacist is handing over. This can be dangerous—especially if you are taking several different types of medication. The number…

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What questions should I ask my health care provider in order to reduce the risk of Kentucky medication errors?

Medication errors are a leading cause of injury among patients throughout the United States. These errors can result in substantial emotional, physical, and financial harm. While choosing trustworthy and knowledgeable health care providers is an important step in preventing these injuries, there are additional measures…

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What steps can be taken to prevent a Kentucky medication error from occurring?

There are many reasons why medication errors occur. In an effort to curb these errors, many hospitals, doctor’s offices, health care clinics, and pharmacies have established safety procedures to help hold staff members accountable. Many nurses are trained to follow the “five rights” in order…

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I suffered a medication mistake at Jewish Hospital. I read online that nurses are most likely to make these mistakes. Does that mean a nurse was to blame?

Not necessarily. While registered nurses are statistically more likely to administer the wrong medication to a patient, they also catch more medication errors before they happen than any other staff members.  According to a recent study in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, each patient in…

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If the staff at Norton’s hospital in Louisville made a medication mistake while I was unconscious, they would have to tell me about it, right?

They should have. Unfortunately, many hospitals do not report patient medication errors to the patients or their family members—making it more likely that someone else will be injured in the future.  According to a recent article in the Washington Post, patients and their families are…

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