Parenthood is full of difficult, sometimes unpopular decisions; it’s up to each of us to weigh the risks of various activities and decide what is right for our own family. Think of what we have to deal with:
- Who do we trust to care for our young daughter while both parents work? Think of the news reports on child abuse in day care centers…
- Do we let our son go off on camping trips? Think of the stories on sexual abuse of boys by their adult group leaders…
- Should I let my teenage daughter go to the beach with her friends for spring break? Think of the reports of girls who go missing during such trips…
Do What You Can
Learn all you can about the high school’s football safety rules. Talk to the coach about your concerns. Find out what the coach does when a player is hit hard in a play—does anyone perform a quick check for symptoms of head trauma? Do the coaches emphasize to the players that they must report any such symptoms?
If someone caused your loved one’s brain injury in Kentucky, contact Gray and White Law. We’ll set up a FREE, no-obligation consultation with you. Call us at 502-210-8942 or toll free at 888-450-4456.