FDA Renews Warning Concerning Dosage in Infant Acetaminophen

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ABC News reports that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has renewed a warning concerning dosage errors in liquid infant acetaminophen.

In an effort to decrease confusion surrounding the appropriate dosage for infants, one set strength—160 mg/5 mL—was recommended by the FDA in 2009. Earlier this year products making the change began to reach the market.

However, the recommendation wasn’t mandatory so not every manufacturer has chosen to go with the set strength. Even those who have chosen to make the change are still allowed to use packaging that isn’t much different than they used previously. Therefore, it may not be noticed by consumers that the product contains a different strength.

The FDA has issued a safety announcement on one particular brand, Little Fevers, because both their old and new boxes feature the word “New” on the front. However, only one of them actually contains the new set strength.

Older acetaminophen products came with droppers, however the newer ones come with an oral syringe which measures the 160 mg/5 mL strength. The FDA is stressing the importance of using the syringe that comes with the medicine.

It is recommended that if doctors are advising parents to administer a medication to their infant, they should be given proper dosing instructions. If you or a loved one suffered serious injuries stemming from an error with medication, you could be entitled to compensation. Contact a Kentucky medication attorney for help.

Contacting a Kentucky Medication Attorney

A Kentucky medication attorney at Gray and White can help you handle every aspect of your Kentucky medication error claim. If you’ve become the victim of a medication error in Kentucky, contact us today for a free evaluation of your case – 888-450-4456 or 502-210- 8942.