Defensive Medicine to Avoid Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

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The American Medical News reports that although defensive medicine may not be written into the curriculum, many students are still being taught about it to avoid medical malpractice lawsuits.

In fact, a survey of about 200 students—third year residents and fourth year medical students—from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine out of Chicago, claim to have been taught defensive medicine. 

Of the residents, 96 percent indicate that implications were given on medical liability influencing clinical decisions and, of the medical students, 94 percent indicate the same. Almost half of those in the survey indicate they were outright taught to practice defensive medicine.

Experts believe that by teaching improved communication between doctor and patient, along with other measures that help protect patients, defensive medicine doesn’t need to be implied or taught. Instead of focusing on reducing risks to patients, doctors are more concerned with their own risks.

Examples of defensive medicine include doing the following when it may not be necessary: 

  • ordering more tests;
  • prescribing more medications;
  • referring patients to specialists; and
  • suggesting invasive forms of treatment. 

If you believe that you were the victim of a preventable medication mistake, such as being given drugs unnecessarily, you should discuss your case with an attorney. Contact a Kentucky medical malpractice attorney to learn what options may be available.

Contacting a Kentucky Medical Malpractice Attorney

A Kentucky medical malpractice attorney at Gray and White can help you handle every aspect of your medical malpractice claim. If you’ve become the victim of medical malpractice in Kentucky, contact us today for a free evaluation of your case – 888-450-4456 or 502-210- 8942.