April 2013

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How Did Our Grandparents Survive, Kentucky?

As I unfold my ladder, which has safety warnings at each joint, I wonder how anyone managed to live to a ripe old age 100 years ago. Kids did dangerous things back then, like riding their bikes without helmets. Toddlers did not choke on small…

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If You May Be Having a Stroke, Get Thee to a Kentucky Hospital Pronto!

As time goes on, we tend to disregard some of the aches and pains that we assume come with the territory of aging. In some cases, though, the best thing you can do is take symptoms seriously and get to a Kentucky hospital as soon…

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My daughter just signed up for the girls’ baseball team at her Louisville school. I’m concerned about the ball or a bat hitting her in the head and causing a brain injury. If she does get injured, how will we know whether or not she has a concussion?

You’re right to be concerned, but I guess we can’t protect our kids from every possible injury; they have to live. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has the following recommendations regarding concussion. If you or the coaches observe any of the following…

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The Risk of Brain Injury in Kentucky Youth Sports

In the good ol’ days, Kentucky parents became concerned if their son did not want to try out for the football team. Was there something wrong with him? Fathers, in particular, might have considered their sons odd if they did not want to be jocks;…

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My neighbor’s baby daughter became trapped between her crib mattress and the crib side rails. Fortunately, she is my neighbor’s first child, so her mother heard her cries and was there in a flash to free her. Even though her daughter was not injured, my neighbor wants to make sure that other parents who own this crib are aware of the potential for harm. What should she do?

Everyone should be so responsible. There is a website, www.recalls.gov, where consumers can find out about products that have been recalled, report dangerous products, and learn safety tips. This “one stop shop for U.S. Government recalls” is a joint project of six federal agencies: Safercar.gov…

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Facial Palsy Can Disfigure an Otherwise Beautiful Kentucky Baby’s Face

You’re becoming acquainted with your infant daughter who was recently born in a Louisville hospital. She’s absolutely beautiful—the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen…except that the right side of her face doesn’t seem to be moving at all when her expression changes on the left….

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