Bacteria known as enterococci are commonly found in the intestines and the environment. However, enterococci can cause infections when the bacteria enter the bloodstream or an open wound. Some of these infections may be resistant to the antibiotic Vancomycin that is supposed to treat it. If the infection does not respond to Vancomycin, it is known as Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus or VRE.
Nursing home residents may be at higher risk of developing VRE because they may have weakened immune systems and medical devices, such as catheters, in their bodies.
Nursing Home Negligence Can Spread VRE
While some nursing home residents may be more susceptible to VRE than the general population, nursing homes still have a duty to use reasonable care to prevent residents from developing this dangerous infection.
VRE spreads through touching. If a person touches someone who has VRE or touches a surface that a person with VRE has touched, then VRE can spread. Nursing homes can help prevent this by making sure that:
- Nursing home staff regularly wash their hands
- Nursing home staff only use clean and adequately sterilized equipment
- All common areas are cleaned regularly
- Anyone diagnosed with VRE takes care not to spread it to others in the nursing home
Additionally, nursing homes should recognize signs of VRE and get nursing home residents prompt medical attention to prevent further complications.
VRE Can Lead to Sepsis
If left untreated, VRE can cause sepsis.
A nursing home may be legally responsible for a nursing home resident’s sepsis infection if the nursing home failed to take reasonable steps to prevent VRE, failed to recognize signs and symptoms of VRE, or failed to recognize signs of sepsis in a nursing home resident.
Sepsis is a dangerous, potentially fatal medical condition for nursing home residents. If your loved one developed sepsis, you and your family deserve to know more about your rights.
Learn more today by contacting our experienced sepsis nursing home negligence lawyers for a free and confidential consultation. We welcome your inquiry by phone, live chat, or through our online contact form.
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