Is electronic distraction causing accidents in Louisville operating rooms?

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You’ve probably heard about the dangers of texting or talking on the phone while driving. But now studies are finding that distraction may also play a role in your Louisville medical malpractice case.

A recent survey published in the cardiovascular journal Perfusionfound that not only are staff likely to use distracting electronic devices during surgical procedures, they also agree it is dangerous.

The study interviewed 439 medical technicians, and reported some staggering results:

  • 55 percent of technicians who monitor bypass machines said they had used a cell phone during heart surgery.
  • 21 percent of technicians had checked their email while in surgery.
  • 15 percent had used the internet while performing a cardiopulmonary bypass
  • About half of respondents had sent texts from the operating room.
  • About 80 percent of the technicians surveyed said they believe that cell phones pose a significant safety risk to patients.
  • Over half of technicians said that texting during a procedure was “always an unsafe practice.”

The study also suggested that electronic distraction was especially a problem with younger medical professionals. This group is more likely to have smartphones, shorter attention spans, and a need to be in constant contact with their personal devices. The growing number of interactive devices, including phones and tablets with internet access, make it likely that patients will suffer surgical errors due to distraction.

For personalized advice on your Kentucky medical malpractice case, call Gray and White today at (800) 634-8767 or fill out the form on this page to begin your FREE consultation.