Be Thankful, Kentucky Mother, That Your Baby Has Erb’s Palsy

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“Mrs. Fitzgerald, you can relax: your baby has Erb’s palsy.”

What?! Why on earth would you be relieved if your doctor says your baby has Erb’s palsy? Isn’t it like cerebral palsy?

Well, no, and that’s why he thinks you should be glad. Understanding the difference will convince you that he hasn’t gone off the deep end.

Cerebral Palsy and Erb’s Palsy

Cerebral palsy results from injury to or abnormalities of the brain. It affects brain and nervous system functions, such as movement, learning, seeing, hearing, and thinking. Although it will never get worse than it is at birth (with proper treatment), it will not improve, either. Physical and speech therapy help children to cope with their symptoms.

Erb’s palsy, on the other hand, is usually a temporary condition caused by injury to one or more of the five large nerves that make up the brachial plexus. These nerves run from the spinal cord to the arm, supplying the arm with feeling and the ability to move. One or two babies in a thousand will suffer a brachial nerve injury.

The result of a brachial plexus injury is weakness or paralysis of the arm. According to Brain and Spinal, most instances of Erb’s palsy occur from the nerve being stretched; they generally heal within 6 to 12 months after birth. Fewer than 10 percent of babies born with brachial plexus injuries have permanent paralysis or impairment.

Types of Erb’s Palsy

The nerve damage of Erb’s palsy can range from bruising to tearing, resulting in various degrees of impairment. The following conditions indicate the level of impairment:

  • brachial plexus injury—only the upper arm is affected
  • Erb’s paralysis—both the upper and lower arm are affected
  • Klumpke paralysis—the hand is affected; sometimes the opposite eyelid droops

How the Nerve Damage Occurs

There are several ways the brachial nerves can be stretched and damaged, including the following:

  • The baby’s head and neck are pulled to the side when the shoulders are delivered.
  • As the baby is being born head first, the shoulders are pulled forcefully.
  • The baby is born feet first (a breech birth), with arms raised, and there is excess pressure on the shoulders.
  • The baby’s head has delivered normally, but one shoulder gets stuck under the mother’s pelvic bone; larger-than-average babies are at higher risk for this occurrence.

Has Your Family Been Impacted By A Birth Injury?

If your family has been impacted by a birth injury you need to speak with an experienced birth injury attorney as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our office directly at 888.450.4456 to schedule a free consultation.