When placing your aging parent or grandparent in a nursing home, neglect may be one of the first thoughts that come to mind. Louisville nursing home neglect lawyers will commend you for considering this as a viable reality. Many nursing homes in Louisville and throughout Kentucky may not properly address the needs of their residents, such as instituting a thorough emergency evacuation plan.
Importance of Evacuation Plans
In the United States, Kentucky is considered one of the top 10 disaster-prone states. With the amount of tornadic activity Kentucky has experienced this year alone, it is not surprising to hear that historical statistics rank the state this high.
What is surprising is the number of nursing homes in disaster-prone areas that are not prepared with a complete evacuation plan in the event of an emergency.
The issue became headline news across the United States when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, and 35 residents in a single nursing home died. Reportedly, some of those causalities were bedridden residents who succumbed to rising waters and drowned. Investigations place the total number of nursing home residents who died in the disaster at 139.
Negligence in Maintaining Evacuation Plans in an Emergency
The lives of our elderly are placed in the hands of nursing home administrators and staff who are required by law to keep residents safe in an emergency. Plans for evacuation must adhere to federal guidelines in order for the nursing home to be certified to care for Medicare or Medicaid residents. Guidelines require nursing homes to have detailed evacuation plans written down and practiced regularly in the event of all potential emergencies, such as tornadoes, severe weather, fires, missing residents, and other disaster scenarios.
Nursing home neglect may be an issue if a facility does not follow federal rules, and a resident is injured or dies.
Has Your Loved One Been Injured In A Nursing Home?
If you believe your loved one is being subjected to nursing home abuse you need to speak with an experienced Kentucky nursing home neglect attorney as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our office directly at 888.450.4456 to schedule a free consultation.
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