Understanding Car Accident Evidence

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When you are the victim of a car accident, evidence means everything. Even though the last thing on your mind is taking pictures at the scene and making notes, it’s important to do. All of these little details are going to make the difference in proving fault and fighting your claim in the event that you have to hire a Louisville car accident attorney.

You need to take pictures of the accident scene. Get pictures of all the vehicles involved, their damages, the people, and their injuries. Make sure that you get different angles and other environmental factors in your pictures. Anything that will help with recreation will be imperative. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing this.

Other evidence can include things like the police report, EMS reports, and information about other drivers involved. Record the weather with video or pictures if you can. Road debris, skid marks, and other such things are important as well. When you call a Louisville personal injury attorney, he or she will be much more capable of helping you resolve your case if you have evidence already.

If you need assistance with your case or want to learn more about car accident evidence, contact the professionals at Gray and White today. You can visit our website or call us at 888-450-4456.