Yet another woman is filing a lawsuit over the pain and suffering she has dealt with since she agreed to the implantation of a pelvic mesh product, at the urging of her doctor. Since the mesh has been implanted, Shirley Shelmidine, of Louisville, has suffered severe, permanent injuries and debilitating pain.
EON (Enhanced Online News) reports that Shelmidine is filing a personal injury lawsuit against Boston Scientific, the company that manufactured her defective pelvic mesh. Shelmidine said that the mesh was intended to control urinary incontinence but instead it has resulted in pain, bleeding and numerous other complications.
“If I had known this would happen, I would never have agreed to receive mesh,” Shelmidine said. “Boston Scientific should be held accountable for the injuries caused by their product.”
Shelmidine’s attorney said that pelvic mesh problems have been reported by women across the country.
The following pelvic mesh defects are listed in Shelmidine’s claim:
- the mesh can migrate from its intended location and erode into other organs or tissue;
- the mesh “fails to perform as intended” and leads to significant injuries, many of which require it to be removed and subject the patient to another surgery and more treatments; and
- the mesh can become so deeply embedded in the patient’s tissue that removing it causes even more damage to the surrounding organs and tissues.
Women are usually reluctant to speak openly about the area affected by pelvic or vaginal mesh complications. But if you are suffering with the day-to-day, intense pain that can be caused by these meshes, this is no time to be shy or polite.
At Gray and White Law, we know how to handle this very real and very sensitive problem. Contact us today to speak confidentially with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys and get the compensation you deserve. Call us at: 1-888-450-4456.