3 Common Drug Allergies that Could Lead to a Louisville Injury Claim

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It would be in your best interest to speak with a Louisville injury law firm as soon as possible if you believe medical negligence was the cause of injuries you suffered. Any type of medication error could lead to devastating consequences, which may entitle you to pursue a malpractice claim. 

Drug allergies can lead to severe, life-threatening adverse reactions including difficulty breathing, heart attack or organ damage. It is the duty of nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals to verify with patients any potential drug allergies they may have. A failure to do so could lead to them being held liable for any resulting injuries.

The 3 most common drug allergies include: 

  • morphine;
  • codeine; and
  • pencillin. 

Other antibiotics can also lead to severe reactions. Additionally, some antidepressants can lead to serious side effects that negatively affect the central nervous system or the heart.  

No matter what type of medication has led to drug allergies, when it is the result of an error, you could be entitled to compensation. To learn what legal options may be available, you should consult with a Louisville injury law firm immediately. 

Contacting a Louisville Injury Law Firm

A Louisville injury lawyer at Gray and White can help you handle every aspect of your medication error claim. If you’ve been injured in Kentucky, contact us today for a free evaluation of your case – 1-888-450-4456 or 1-502-210-8942.