Coping with a Spinal Injury After a Motorcycle Accident in Louisville

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Of the 12,000 new spinal cord injuries that occur each year in the U.S., almost half are due to motor vehicle accidents, according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center. If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident in Louisville, you’ll want to talk to a Louisville accident attorney who can help you sort through your options.

In addition to all the physical treatments you’ll have to undergo if you’ve suffered a spinal injury, there will be emotional recovery. It’s important to obtain the social support you need, maintain internal motivation and stay positive.

Emotions After a Spinal Injury from a Motorcycle Accident in Louisville

You may feel:

  • denial;
  • depression;
  • anger; and
  • acceptance.  

Coping with a Spinal Injury After a Motorcycle Accident in Louisville

Support and education are essential to recovering emotionally from a spinal cord injury. These steps can help: 

  • finding a support group;
  • attaining as much independence as possible;
  • remaining open to talking about your disability with others;
  • working through intimacy issues with a professional; and
  • educating yourself about new assistive technologies.  

It’ll take time to work through the grieving process after a spinal injury. If you’ve suffered a spinal injury in a motorcycle accident, consult a Louisville accident attorney to seek sufficient compensation for treatments and therapies you need. 

Contacting a Louisville Accident Attorney

Finding new ways to function in your day-to-day life and working through emotional issues is a necessary part of recovery after a motorcycle accident in Louisville. A Louisville accident attorney at Gray and White Law can help you handle every aspect of your Louisville accident claim. If you’ve been injured in Kentucky, contact us today for a free evaluation of your case1-888-450-4456.