Any Louisville accident attorney can tell you that the long-term effects of a TBI are not only physically and mentally challenging but a huge financial burden as well. When someone else’s negligence is the cause of your severe injuries, you may be able to recover damages through a Kentucky car accident claim.
There are many difficult things with which you will need to cope when it comes to a severe head injury. You may be facing a long road of recovery, be unable to work and find yourself swimming in medical bills.
Depending on the extent and severity of your injury you may be facing long-term treatment including:
- rehabilitation programs;
- assistive medical devices/technologies;
- treatment in a residential facility;
- counseling;
- therapy (speech, physical, occupational); and
- medication.
Costs to treat a TBI can easily skyrocket into the hundreds of thousands or even millions. You may be left disabled and be forced to adjust to a lesser quality of life.
While recovering damages for your accident in a Kentucky car accident claim cannot take away what has been done or restore your life to normal, it can at least help you cope with the financial burden.
You should immediately consult with a Louisville accident attorney to learn your legal rights and what steps you can take to help on your road to recovery. An attorney will explain the options that you have available and what types of compensation you may be entitled to receive.
Has Your Family Been Impacted By A Birth Injury?
If your family has been impacted by a birth injury you need to speak with an experienced birth injury attorney as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our office directly at 888.450.4456 to schedule a free consultation.