Did Your Anesthesiologist Use a Brain Injury Monitoring System in KY?

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If you go to the emergency room with chest pain, you would expect your doctor to listen to your heart—just as a broken toe would require him to examine your foot. So why would an anesthesiologist take your pulse to determine what’s happening in your head?

The sad fact is, many hospitals still do not use brain monitoring systems during surgery—and it may contribute to cases of Louisville anesthesia brain injury.

Here are a few quick facts about anesthesia during surgery:

  • According to the medical journal Anesthesiology, anesthesia is responsible for the death of one hospital patient every day.
  • Although FDA-approved brain activity monitors have been available since 1996, many hospitals still do not use direct brain monitoring during surgery with anesthesia.
  • In most surgical situations, anesthesiologists will rely on changes in heart rate and other vital signs to gauge a patient’s response to anesthesia. However, these are often inaccurate indicators of how the brain will react to anesthesia. 

If you are about to undergo surgery and are worried about the risks of anesthesia in Kentucky, you should ask your doctor how he will make sure your anesthesia is being administered properly—and don’t be afraid to ask if he has a brain monitoring system. Over-medication with a sedative during surgery can have severe effects, including brain damage, cardiac arrest, seizures, and even death.

The Kentucky medical malpractice attorneys at Gray and White can help you get justice and compensation for your suffering, and we will charge you nothing unless we win your case. Call us today at (800) 634-8767 or click the contact link on this page to begin your FREE consultation.