The best way to determine if you have cause to file a Kentucky medical malpractice claim is to discuss your case with an experienced Louisville medical malpractice lawyer. Experienced Louisville medical malpractice lawyers will not only have past case experience to draw upon when examining your case, but they also consult with doctors and other medical professionals who can help evaluate your claim.
Most patients become aware of their potential Kentucky medical malpractice claim because they feel worse after going in for a treatment, they receive a different opinion on a diagnosis from another doctor, or they find some other abnormality that raises questions.
Take for instance a patient who has surgery performed on their abdomen and experiences lasting post-surgical pain and discomfort, only to discover months later that a surgical team left a sponge or surgical sponge in their body. When this discovery is made, the victim will become aware of the potential for a medical malpractice claim.
To file a Kentucky medical malpractice claim your medical treatment must have caused more harm than recovery, such as wrong-site surgery or being given the wrong medication.
A Louisville medical malpractice lawyer can help you file a Kentucky medical malpractice claim if you were seriously injured, misdiagnosed, or lost a loved one as the result of physician error. If a medical professional was negligent in your care and you or a loved one suffered injury from that incident, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages.
Hiring a Louisville Medical Malpractice Lawyer
When considering filing a Kentucky medical malpractice claim, a Louisville medical malpractice lawyer at Gray and White Law can evaluate your case to determine if you have a viable claim. Our lawyers will help you review your consent form and give your case the personal attention it requires to fight for your fair compensation. Contact us today for a free case consultation – 1-888-450-4456.