Kentucky Motorcycle Helmet Laws and Motorcycle Accidents (Part A)

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Riding motorcycles in Kentucky can be very enjoyable. But it’s important to remember that this state does have motorcycle helmet laws.

So if you qualify for 1 or more of the following scenarios, you must make sure you’re wearing protective headgear at all times while traveling on a motorcycle: 

  • if you’re under the age of 21 and either operating a motorcycle or are a passenger on a motorcycle or in a sidecar attachment;
  • if you have an instruction permit and are operating a motorcycle; and
  • if you have a valid motorcycle license or a combination motor vehicle/motorcycle license for less than 1 year and are operating a motorcycle. 

The penalties for being caught driving a motorcycle without a helmet range from a fine of $20.00 to $100.00. When Kentucky’s motorcycle helmet laws were first enacted, the fines were much stiffer.

A rider fitting any one of the above classifications who was seen not wearing headgear could expect to pay up to $500.00 and even face a 60 day license suspension. But even though the punishments are not as harsh now, that doesn’t mean the motorcycle helmet laws are taken any less seriously.

Why a Motorcycle Helmet Makes a Difference in a Motorcycle Accident

It is a fact that headgear reduces the risk of death and serious injury. According, a Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System study concluded that motorcycle helmets have a 67% success rate in protecting riders from brain injuries. Motorcyclists who ride without headgear are 3 times more likely to receive brain injuries in a motorcycle accident than those wearing helmets.

If you have been injured in an accident, discuss your legal options with a Kentucky motorcycle accident lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation for your medical expense, lost wages, and other losses.

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