When you suspect that your aging loved one has been the victim of elder sexual abuse, stopping the abuse and seeking legal assistance will be at the top of your list of priorities. Kentucky nursing home abuse lawyers can help you pursue a Kentucky nursing home abuse claim so you can hold the responsible party liable for their terrible actions.
Recognizing Warning Signs of Elder Sexual Abuse
It’s common for abused elderly people to not report the abuse. They may have been threated or coerced by the attacker, not be able to fully articulate the situation, or hold too much shame and humiliation.
That’s why it’s important to stay alert for warning signs and symptoms of sexual abuse, which can include the following:
- torn or bloody clothing;
- sudden changes in personality;
- inner thigh bruising;
- timid or fearful behavior;
- genital or anal bleeding;
- unexplained sexually transmitted diseases or infections;
- sudden depression or withdrawal; and
- sudden exacerbation of existing illness.
Taking Action After the Abuse
An elderly person who has undergone sexual abuse in a nursing home may have a hard time recuperating. A lack of social interaction, the death of peers, and mobility limitations may make recovery long and difficult.
As a loved one, you can help protect your aging family member by:
- offering attention and building a support system for your loved one;
- watching carefully for warning signs and symptoms;
- contacting local law enforcement at the first signs of sexual abuse; and
- working with Kentucky nursing home abuse lawyers to pursue a claim.
The law is on your side when it comes to protecting your loved ones. If you know of someone who’s the victim of elder sexual abuse, there are medical, legal, and social services available that can help you address the abuse and reduce the likelihood of repeated occurrences.
You’ll also want to speak to an attorney to discuss filing a Kentucky nursing home abuse claim, working side-by-side to hold the victimizers responsible for the abusive behavior.
Has Your Loved One Been Injured In A Nursing Home?
If you believe your loved one is being subjected to nursing home abuse you need to speak with an experienced Kentucky nursing home neglect attorney as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our office directly at 888.450.4456 to schedule a free consultation.