Louisville Medication Error Lawyer Taking on Kentucky High-Alert Drugs Injury Claim (Part B)

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Some of the mistakes that can occur with high-alert drugs include: 

  • giving the wrong amount;
  • improperly trained or inexperienced medical staff prescribing, dispensing, or administering drug;
  • failure to recognize side effects;
  • harmful interaction with another drug the patient is taking;
  • failure to adjust dosage when necessary;
  • not taking into consideration the patient’s medical history and/or current health problems;
  • incorrect administration of drug;
  • infusion pump setting incorrect;
  • not taking note of patient allergies; and
  • labeling/packaging errors. 

Many of these mistakes are preventable. Safety systems should be in place that reduce the risk of an error with these high-alert drugs. If you’ve been the subject of any of these mishaps, seek a lawyer to determine if you have grounds to file a Kentucky injury claim.

Preventing Mistakes with High-Alert Drugs

There are various ways that mistakes could be averted when it comes to high-alert drugs. Implementing an electronic or computerized ordering system can alleviate the problems with illegible handwriting or misinterpreting the prescription.

Infusion pumps that are designed to confirm the proper dosage of drug being given can also help prevent a mistake. These “smart” pumps can provide a safety step before it begins to dispense medication.

Other ways that mistakes with high-alert drugs can be prevented:  

  • improved communication between both staff members and patients and the staff;
  • proper training;
  • having more than one medical staff member check the dosage; and
  • getting more than 1 staff member to review the administration of the drug.  

When there is a failure to take safe, appropriate steps to ensure a patient’s safety, this could lead to a Kentucky injury claim. 

You may benefit in seeking help from a Louisville medication error lawyer who has experience with these types of claims. A lawyer may be able to assist you with the entire claims process, from the initial filing of the paperwork to the collection of evidence that is necessary to prove liability and the damages you have suffered as a result. 

Don’t delay in seeking legal counsel as you may be running out of time to pursue a Kentucky injury claim.

Contacting a Louisville Medication Error Lawyer

A lawyer at Gray and White can help you handle every aspect of your medication error claim. If you’ve become the victim of a medication mistake in Kentucky, contact us today for a free evaluation of your case – 888-450-4456 or 502-210- 8942.