Blood Thinner Medication Errors May Be Significant Safety Problem

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Blood thinners help reduce the likelihood of suffering from a heart attack or stroke by preventing blood clots. They can be important drugs that prevent patients from dying in the hospital. However, a recent study found that blood thinners might account for 7 percent of all hospital medication errors. The study was published in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy

How to Prevent Blood Thinner Medication Errors and Deaths

New blood thinner medication standards developed by health care experts indicate that there may be ways to prevent blood thinner medication errors. Specifically, the likelihood of blood thinner medication errors may be reduced if:

  • Technology is used to double check the physician’s prescription, scan bar codes, program infusion pumps, and perform other safety checks.
  • A pharmacist is included on rounds when technology is unavailable to double check blood thinners. A pharmacist may reduce the likelihood of a blood thinner medication error by more than 75%.
  • Patients are better educated about their blood thinner treatments.

The failure to prevent blood thinner medication errors can lead to serious consequences including death from hospital medication mistakes.

Contact a Kentucky Wrongful Death Lawyer If Your Loved One Has Been Killed

If your loved one died after receiving the wrong type or wrong dose of a blood thinner medication, then it is important to contact an experienced Kentucky wrongful death lawyer today for a free consultation about your rights and possible recovery. Our Kentucky wrongful death attorneys welcome your inquiry via our website or by phone at 800.634.8767 or 502.210.8942.