Why You Should Visit a Louisville Nursing Home Over the Holidays

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It is important to visit your loved ones in Louisville nursing homes throughout the year. However, life gets busy and relatives live far away. Sometimes, the holiday season provides the opportunity for a good visit. It is important to take the time to make nursing home visits this time of year, not only to enjoy the company of your loved one and raise your loved one’s spirits, but also to make sure that your loved one is safe.

Make the Most of Your Holiday Nursing Home Visit in Louisville

It can be difficult to determine whether abuse or neglect is occurring during a quick visit. However, you may be more likely to see the signs of nursing home abuse if you:

  • Visit for an extended period of time.
  • Make several visits while you are home or off from work over the holidays.
  • Talk openly with your loved one and make him feel safe and respected.
  • Keep your eyes open to what staff is doing, or not doing, while you are there.
  • Talk to your loved one’s doctor about any changes in demeanor.

Additionally, you should trust your instincts. Do you feel like something is wrong? Are you uncomfortable leaving your loved one? If so, then you might want to find out more information about what is happening at the nursing home when you are not present.

Has Your Loved One Been Injured In A Nursing Home?

If you believe your loved one is being subjected to nursing home abuse you need to speak with an experienced Kentucky nursing home neglect attorney as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our office directly at 888.450.4456 to schedule a free consultation.