Would You Tolerate Child Abuse in Kentucky? Don’t Tolerate Elder Abuse

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One of the saddest and most common forms of Kentucky nursing home abuse is neglect. Think about it…

Let’s say it’s your mother in the nursing home. She used to walk you to school, helped you with your homework, drove you to soccer practice, attended all your games.

Time passes, and your mother ages. She’s no longer able to take care of herself, and you are busy with your job and your family, so you place her in a local nursing home. You pay plenty of money to make sure she’s safe and comfortable, but is she?

During one visit to the nursing home, you notice that something smells bad in her room, but you aren’t sure what it is; oh, well, it’s bound to go away.

The next time you visit, you notice that the bad smell is still there. As you help your mother to the bathroom, you see an oozing sore on her hip—a bedsore? You ask her what happened, and she just looks at you. Does she understand you?

The following week when you visit, she is particularly uncommunicative—until you get ready to leave. Then she clings to your hand, looking at you with imploring eyes, but she doesn’t say anything—even goodbye. You leave with a lump in your throat. What’s wrong with her?

Has Your Loved One Been Injured In A Nursing Home?

If you believe your loved one is being subjected to nursing home abuse you need to speak with an experienced Kentucky nursing home neglect attorney as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our office directly at 888.450.4456 to schedule a free consultation.