Louisville Surgical Errors Attorneys

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Medical malpractice, including surgical errors, can be life-altering for the victim and their family. Kentucky has specific laws that govern medical malpractice claims, and it is essential to understand your rights and options if you or a loved one has been affected. 

Our experienced Louisville medical malpractice lawyers can help you understand your legal rights and help you pursue a claim against the responsible parties. Contact Gray & White Law today at 502-210-8942 or toll-free at 888-450-4456 to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help.

What Constitutes a Surgical Error in Kentucky?

Surgical errors are a type of medical malpractice that occurs when a surgeon or other medical professional causes harm to a patient during a surgical procedure. Examples of surgical errors may include:

  • Operating on the wrong body part or patient
  • Leaving surgical instruments or sponges inside the patient
  • Causing nerve damage or paralysis during surgery
  • Administering incorrect medication or anesthesia
  • Failing to monitor vital signs during surgery

These errors can have severe consequences, including extended hospital stays, additional medical procedures, or even death.

Potential Causes of Surgical Errors in Kentucky

A surgical error can be caused by a range of factors, including but limited to:

  • Inadequate training or experience of the surgeon or medical team
  • Poor communication between the medical professionals involved in the procedure
  • Fatigue or distraction of the medical team
  • Failure to follow established protocols and procedures
  • Equipment failure or malfunction
  • Understaffing at the medical facility

Medical professionals have a duty to provide competent and reasonable care. When they fail to do so, they can be held accountable for their negligence.

Proving a Surgical Error and Obtaining Evidence

Proving a surgical error can be challenging and requires specific evidence. You will need to demonstrate that the medical professional breached the standard of care, causing you harm. Evidence may include medical records, witness statements, the testimony of the medical professionals involved, and physical evidence. In addition, you and your attorneys may need to obtain expert opinions.

Compensation for Victims of a Surgical Error in Kentucky

If you are a victim of a surgical error in Kentucky, you may be eligible for compensation, which can include: 

  1. Economic damages; and 
  2. Non-economic damages

Economic damages may include medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses related to your injuries. Non-economic damages may include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other non-financial losses you suffered. This compensation may be available from the medical professional or the medical facility where they worked, as well as their medical malpractice insurance provider.

The Medical Malpractice Claims Process in Kentucky and the Role of a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

The medical malpractice claims process in Kentucky typically involves several steps, including filing a claim, obtaining evidence, and negotiating a settlement or taking the case to trial. An experienced medical malpractice lawyer from our law firm can guide you through this process, help gather evidence, and negotiate on your behalf.

Do You Need a Lawyer for Your Surgical Error Claim?

While it is possible to pursue a surgical error claim without the assistance of an attorney, it is not recommended. A medical malpractice claim can be complex, and medical professionals and their insurance companies often have teams of attorneys working to protect their interests. Our experienced Louisville medical malpractice lawyers can help you level the playing field and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact a Louisville Surgical Error Lawyer at Gray & White Law

A surgical error can be devastating for the victim and their family. If you or a loved one has been affected by a surgical error in Louisville, Kentucky, it is essential to understand your rights and options. By working with an experienced medical malpractice lawyer from our law firm, you can pursue compensation for your damages and hold the medical professionals accountable for their negligence. Contact Gray & White Law today at 502-210-8942 or toll-free at 888-450-4456 to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help.