According to Pharmacy Practice News, a recent presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) reveals some shocking numbers: nearly 80% of serious medical errors that occur in intensive care units or ICUs are medication errors. These errors can cause serious harm and injury to the patients involved, but according to the SCCM presenting doctors, they are preventable.
According to Sandra Kane-Gill, associate professor of pharmacy at the University of Pittsburgh – School of Pharmacy, the first step to reducing the number of medication errors is to focus on detection and reporting, encouraging doctors and staff to come forward when a medication error has been made. This allows any underlying issues to come to light, and lets doctors take steps to prevent similar errors from happening again.
In addition, Kane-Gill recommends these steps to prevent medication errors in Kentucky ICUs and other medical facilities:
- targeted medical record reviews;
- patient and family interviews;
- observation of real-time drug administration;
- ICU transfer summary reviews; and
- technology reports, such as those from computerized prescription, automatic dispersal machines, smart infusion pumps, and clinical support software.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a medication error, contact aKentuckymedication error attorney at the Gray & White Law Firm today. Call 502-210-8942 or 888-450-4456 to begin discussing your case today.