Yes, your comments, photos, and posts can wreak havoc on your Kentucky personal injury claim if you are not careful. Address the issue with a Louisville accident attorney who can advise you on how to prevent this from happening to you.
Social media and networking sites are fast becoming huge resources of background information for:
- lawyers;
- companies;
- police; and
- insurance companies.
The content about you on these sites can be used to portray you in a negative light.
Considering the open, casual nature of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, people are more apt to make thoughtless comments or posts that endanger their case.
For example, in a personal injury case where alcohol is involved, having pictures on Facebook of yourself at parties and/or drinking alcohol may taint the court’s perception of your character.
All social media account activity may be permissible as evidence in court, and you should avoid posting anything about your case whatsoever. Be wary of who your “friends” are online, because their comments about you may be tracked as well.
You never know what posts or pictures you will be tagged in either. It is best to conduct yourself with integrity and avoid putting anything on social media sites that you would not want printed on paper and presented to a judge.
It is likely that when you speak to your Louisville accident attorney about your Kentucky personal injury claim, he or she will advise you to cease all social media activity until after your case is settled.
Contacting a Louisville Accident Attorney
Your Kentucky personal injury claim can be hurt when social media is used to negatively portray your character. An attorney at Gray and White can help you handle every aspect of your Louisville accident claim. If you’ve been injured in Kentucky, contact us today for a free evaluation of your case – 1-888-450-4456 or 502-210- 8942.