Should I negotiate with the hospital on my own after my loved one dies from a delay in medical treatment?

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doctor with stethoscope and words wrongful death on screenThe short answer is no.

While you have the legal right to negotiate with the hospital on your own after a delay in care causes your loved one’s death, it is likely a mistake to contact the hospital yourself. The hospital administrator or attorney is not on your side. Instead, the administrator or attorney works for the hospital and has to protect the hospital’s interests. That means that the administrator or attorney will try to pay you as little as possible for your loved one’s death.

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

Instead, you have the right to be represented by a Kentucky delay-in-care medical malpractice law firm. Once you hire a lawyer to represent you, the hospital will direct all contact, including settlement negotiations, to your attorney.

You won’t have to worry about saying something that could be misinterpreted or being treated unfairly. Instead, your lawyer will make sure that your right to a fair recovery is protected. If a fair recovery can be worked out with the hospital, your lawyer will do that for you.

Our goal, however, always remains on your fair recovery, and sometimes a settlement won’t result in fair damages for your family. We are experienced trial lawyers, and we will not accept a settlement when it is not in your best interest. If the hospital is unwilling to provide a fair recovery, then we won’t hesitate to go to court to fight for your recovery, including:

  • Medical bills your loved one incurred because of the delay in care
  • Funeral costs
  • Past and future lost income that your loved one cannot earn because of the delay in care and resulting death
  • Physical and emotional pain your loved one suffered before death due to the delay in care
  • Emotional suffering that your family is going through due to your loved one’s death
  • Any other damages that are related to the delay in care or your loved one’s death

To learn more about how we can help you hold the hospital accountable for your loved one’s death and help you make a fair financial recovery, please call us or fill out our online contact form any time—24/7/365.

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