It seems unthinkable. Why would a respected nursing home in Louisville, Shelbyville, or La Grange cover up the abuse of one staff member who killed a resident? Why wouldn’t the nursing home stand by the family, admit what happened, and take action against the person who abused a resident so significantly that the resident died?
It Is Not an Easy Question to Answer
From a moral perspective there seems to be only one answer—that the nursing home should investigate and take action against anyone who abuses a resident. However, some nursing homes are guided by not only what is right, but also by what is in their financial best interests. If a nursing home worker’s abuse caused a resident’s death then the nursing home may:
- Be legally responsible for the death and have to pay damages accordingly.
- Have to report the cause of death to the government.
- Suffer from lower admissions because of publicity about the death.
These are not meant to be valid excuses for failing to investigate or report a nursing home abuse death, but they are reasons all families of nursing home residents should know about.
It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way
Maybe the nursing home is unwilling to investigate the death of a nursing home resident or to take action against someone whose abuse has killed a resident. The nursing home resident’s estate may choose to take action both against the person who committed the abuse and the nursing home where it happened.
Has Your Loved One Been Injured In A Nursing Home?
If you believe your loved one is being subjected to nursing home abuse you need to speak with an experienced Kentucky nursing home neglect attorney as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our office directly at 888.450.4456 to schedule a free consultation.
Related Links:
- 3 Signs You Should Investigate a Loved One’s Nursing Home Death
- Unexplained Death in a Nursing Home?
- 3 Reasons for a Civil Lawsuit After a Nursing Home Death