A broken bone is a serious injury that could result in significant medical problems and expenses after a car crash. You could suffer from limited mobility, a bone infection, arthritis, or nerve damage. Your physical pain, emotional suffering, and medical bills may all continue long after the accident that caused your bone fracture.
It’s not fair that you have to suffer these injuries because of someone else’s negligence, but that is your reality.
In order to control your pain, protect your future health, and safeguard your finances, you will need to take action. Your time to take action is limited by the Kentucky Statute of Limitations. Accordingly, we encourage you to learn more about broken bone injuries, treatments, and recoveries and to contact us at any time to schedule a free consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer.
Not All Broken Bones Are the Same
There are different types of breaks that you may sustain from a motor vehicle accident. These breaks include:
- Hairline fractures. This means that the bone is cracked but still intact.
- Complete breaks. In this type of injury the bone is broken all the way through in one or more places.
- Open breaks. Pieces of the broken bone pierce the skin in this type of injury.
A break may occur in any bone in the body. Some commonly fractured bones include:
- Hands, wrists, and fingers. When a collision is about to happen, victims are often tempted to brace themselves against the dashboard or steering wheel, which may result in broken bones.
- Feet, ankles, and toes. Drivers may get their feet trapped between the pedals on impact or twist their ankles in an unnatural direction; both of these may cause broken bones.
- Collarbones. Car accident victims often suffer broken clavicles as the shoulder harness tightens against their chests, snapping the bone as they are pressed into their seats.
- Arms and legs. Many arm and leg breaks occur as a result of side-impact crashes. Serious breaks can require the victim to stay in a cast or even completely immobile during healing.
Broken Pelvis
Broken pelvis injuries most commonly occur because of accidents such as car crashes. While broken pelvis injuries are not the most common type of broken bone, they are among the most serious. The pelvis is located between the spine and the legs. Major blood vessels and vital organs are close to the pelvis and can be compromised when the pelvis is broken.
A broken pelvis can result in a long recuperation and may even have lifelong consequences. Extensive medical treatment—including framing, surgical repair, implants, and rehabilitation—may be necessary.
Here are just a few side effects of a broken pelvis:
- Bed rest complications. Immobility can cause patients to develop blot clots, bowel blockages, infections, deep vein thrombosis, or pneumonia.
- Internal bleeding. Bone fragments from a shattered pelvis may become lodged in the surrounding soft tissues. These may burrow into the body, severing blood vessels and puncturing the internal organs.
- Urinary problems. The bladder is a relatively weak organ. Since it is located directly in front of the pelvis, it will often tear or rupture as a result of the accident trauma. If bone fragments sever the patient’s urethra, he may need to pass urine through a catheter as he heals.
- Infertility. The muscles, nerve endings, and blood supply necessary for reproduction all run through the pelvis. If the pelvis is completely shattered or if the trauma was extensive, the reproductive organs may be damaged beyond repair, making it impossible for the victim to have children.
The recovery process can be long, painful, and expensive.
Treatment for Broken Bones
Your doctor will review your treatment options with you. Your options will depend on the specific bone that is broken, the severity of the break, and your overall health. You should be prepared to discuss:
- Framing. If your bones were shattered, you may need framing or external fixation to keep the bones immobile while they heal. In order to prevent shifting, you will must remain completely still as the bones knit together.
- Implants. If a bone broke into several pieces, your doctor may install pins, screws, or metal plates to bind the bone back together.
- Casting. Your arm or leg may need to remain in a splint or cast for several weeks to heal.
- Surgery. You may need extra procedures if your bones do not heal properly. These surgeries may include realignment or removal of bone fragments and dead tissue. This will mean additional time in the hospital and a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.
- Physical therapy. Some patients will need months of special strength exercises to retrain their injured limbs to perform normally.
Unfortunately, some breaks are so severe that a full recovery is not possible even with extensive medical treatment.
How to Protect Your Fair Recovery
As you deal with the pain and inconvenience of a broken bone, you may be overwhelmed thinking about how you can protect your fair recovery of legal damages.
Generally, there are two things that you can do right now to begin protecting your rights. First, you should understand what a fair recovery includes and second, you should know why it is important to work with an experienced car accident lawyer in Louisville to help you get that fair recovery.
When someone else’s negligence results in a car crash that causes your broken bones, you may be able to recover for past, current, and future:
- Health care costs.
- Wages and other income.
- Expenses.
- Physical pain and emotional suffering.
Insurance companies rarely take injured parties seriously unless they are represented by counsel. Your attorney can make sure that all of your rights are protected and can manage all aspects of your legal case so that you can focus on your health.
Our attorneys and staff nurse work individually with each client to maximize each client’s recovery. To learn more about how we may be able to help you, please contact us at any time—24 hours a day, every day of the year—to schedule a free, no-obligation initial consultation. Let’s talk about your injuries and about how we might be able to get you the recovery you deserve.