Be Cautious Around Louisville Food Trucks to Avoid Serious Injuries

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kentucky food truck parked ready for customers Gray & WhiteOver the past few years, food trucks have become more popular in Kentucky and throughout the country. Forbes estimates that the food truck industry will grow by about 20% in 2019 alone.  Food trucks provide you with more opportunities to eat innovative and tasty food in unusual spots around Louisville, but they can also be dangerous.

How Food Truck Accidents Happen

As with any motor vehicle accident, each food truck crash is unique. Some of the possible causes of food truck accidents include the following:

Inexperienced drivers.

Many food truck drivers are more experienced as cooks than drivers. Driving a truck is very different from driving a car, and food truck drivers may have little experience operating a heavy truck. This can lead drivers to make mistakes that result in crashes.


Drowsy drivers are dangerous drivers. Food truck operators may be moving their vehicle at the end of a long day of cooking and serving customers or in the early morning before the breakfast crowd arrives.

Blind spots.

Awnings, signs, and the awkward size and shape of food trucks can create blind spots. If food truck drivers are not diligent in checking these blind spots, they could hit another vehicle or a pedestrian.

Distracted drivers.

Food truck operators have a lot on their minds. They may be traveling unfamiliar roads, worried about food deliveries, or thinking about other business issues that they did not have time to think about while they were cooking and serving customers. They may try to catch up on phone calls or texts while driving, or they may simply be distracted by their thoughts. Anything that takes their attention away from driving safely, their hands off their wheel, or their eyes off the road can result in a crash.


Many food trucks have propane tanks to fuel their cooking. In a crash, these propane tanks could explode and cause a terrifying fire.

Any type of food truck crash can result in devastating injuries.

Food Truck Accident Injuries

Your exact injuries will depend on the cause of the accident and other factors. However, after a food truck crash, you should be aware of the following possible injuries:

Broken bones.

Any bone, including neck, arm, ribs, pelvis, hip, and leg bones, can break in food truck accident.


If an explosion or fire occurs, you may suffer burn injuries.

Spinal cord injuries.

A crash can result in an incomplete or complete spinal cord injury that affects your movement and ability to feel sensations.

Traumatic brain injuries.

The impact of a brain injury depends on the part of the brain that is hurt and how badly it is hurt. A brain injury can temporarily or permanently impact your speech, emotions, cognitive functioning, and other brain activities.

Internal injuries.

Any of your internal organs, such as your liver or kidneys, could be damaged in a food truck wreck.


Severed limbs or extreme burn injuries may require amputation to save your life.

Your doctor will diagnose your injuries and provide you with treatment options.

What to Do If You Are Hurt in a Kentucky Food Truck Accident

If you were a pedestrian, bicyclist, or in a vehicle at the time of the food truck accident, you likely suffered physical, emotional, and financial damages because of the crash. Your injuries are complicated, and your recovery may also be complicated. Multiple people, such as the food truck driver and the food truck owner may be liable for your injuries, and, therefore, multiple insurance companies may be involved in your recovery.

Have You Been Injured In A Truck Accident?

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident you need to speak with an experienced truck accident attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Louisville office directly at 888.450.4456 to schedule a free consultation. 

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