A number of class actions filed against vairous insurer and broker defendants were consolidated into two actions before the Honorable Garrett E. Brown, jr. in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey- In re Insurance Brokerage Antitrust Litigation, Civil No. 04-5184 and In re Employee Benefits Insurance Brokerage Antitturst Litigation, Civil No. 05-1079.
To date, Gray and White Law, as part of a team of law firms acting as class counsel, have reached the following settlements:
Settlement with Zurich Defendants
On February 16, 2007, the Court approved a settlement that had been reached with the Zurich Defendants. The Settlement provides for the paymnet of at least $127.7 million to the Settlement Class Members.
Settlement with Arthur J. Gallagher Defendants
On August 31, 2007, the Court approved a settlement that has been reach with the Gallagher Defendants. The Settlement provides for the paymnet of $28 miilion to the Settlement Class Members and also will provide for the implementation of certain business reforms.