He could be. However, it is rare that only one person will be responsible for a Louisville pharmacy mistake, and it is important to figure out why the accident occurred, as well as who was responsible.
Most prescription drug mistakes are a result of multiple system failures. Mistakes can be made anywhere down the long chain of events from doctor to patient, including:
- The doctor writing the order
- The nurse transcribing the order
- The printing of the medication label
- A staff member mishearing a verbal order
- A pharmacist filling an incorrect dosage
- A pharmacist filling an order for the incorrect method of administration
- The pharmacy tech’s failure to double-check your medication before handing it out
In order to get to the bottom of the error, an investigation will need to discover at what point the accident occurred. This will likely mean tracing the history of your prescription all the way back the doctor’s office, comparing the order to the next point to find out who was responsible.
It may turn out that several people played a part in the error. For instance, a nurse may have transcribed the prescription incorrectly, but nobody else down the line caught the error, allowing it to cause injury as a result. This makes the nurse responsible, but she, the medical facility, and the pharmacy are all potentially liable for causing your injury.
The attorneys at Gray and White can get to the bottom of your prescription error, getting you the compensation you deserve while stopping the mistake from injuring someone else in the future. Call us today at (800) 634-8767 to begin your FREE legal consultation.