June 2013

Request Your Free Consultation

My mother was hit in the head with a softball and lost consciousness for a minute when we were watching my daughter’s game. I think she had a concussion, and I want to make sure I ask all the right questions when I take her to her Louisville doctor. What should I ask?

First, get your mother to the doctor or the emergency room right away. Make sure that you tell the doctor about any medicines—prescription or over-the-counter—that your mother is taking, including dosages. Don’t forget to mention vitamins and other supplements. Here are some questions that the…

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Even though I was doing great on Avandia, with no problems, my doctor in Louisville switched me to another diabetes drug when the FDA put out a warning about Avandia in 2010. I would love to switch back; I had fewer side effects on Avandia. Given its history, though, would I be a fool to take the risk?

Only your doctor can answer that question honestly for you by weighing the pros and cons of using Avandia for your particular severity of diabetes. Since 2010, doctors have been restricted to prescribing Avandia to only the sickest diabetes patients when they are unable to…

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The BRAIN Initiative Can Revolutionize Kentucky Brain Injury Treatment

When it comes to understanding the human brain, Kentucky, it seems that the more we know, the more we realize we don’t know. Our brains are remarkably complex, controlling every process in our bodies, even when we are asleep. When someone experiences a brain injury,…

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Why Take Avandia If You Risk Heart Attack, Kentucky?

Back in 2010, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) voted to restrict the use of the diabetes drug Avandia to severely ill diabetics. The reason? Avandia was shown to increase the risk of heart attack by more than 40 percent. Glaxo’s Clinical Trials Called “Seriously…

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Embrace the Light, Kentucky: Light Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury

Kentuckians who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are probably familiar with bright light therapy. Light is used to treat depression and lassitude brought on by the shortened daylight hours that characterize winter. Research reported by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine indicates that the…

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To Whom Would a Person With CP Listen, Kentucky? A Doctor With CP!

If you have cerebral palsy (CP) it’s got to be difficult sometimes to take advice and scolding from your Louisville doctors who don’t have the condition. How could they understand you? Their muscles do what they are told to do. Would you be able to…

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