Sepsis & Septic Shock

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Is a nursing home responsible if a resident develops sepsis from Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus?

Bacteria known as enterococci are commonly found in the intestines and the environment. However, enterococci can cause infections when the bacteria enter the bloodstream or an open wound. Some of these infections may be resistant to the antibiotic Vancomycin that is supposed to treat it….

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What is septicemia?

Septicemia begins as any kind of bacterial infection, including an infection of the lungs, urinary tract, kidneys, or skin. When the bacterial infection enters the bloodstream, it can develop into septicemia, also known as blood poisoning. Septicemia Requires Emergency Medical Treatment Prompt diagnosis and hospital…

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What kinds of infections can cause sepsis in nursing home residents?

Sepsis doesn’t start as sepsis. Instead, sepsis is the body’s response to an underlying infection. Unfortunately, nursing home residents face significant risks of infection if nursing home staff members are negligent. Infections That Could Cause Sepsis Some of the infections that may cause sepsis include:…

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I have diabetes and I developed sepsis in a nursing home. Can I file a medical malpractice lawsuit?

If you developed sepsis due to nursing home negligence, you can file a nursing home negligence lawsuit. Your diabetes diagnosis does not take this right away from you or absolve the nursing home of liability. Diabetes and the Risk of Sepsis People with diabetes are…

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What damages can someone recover after developing sepsis in a Kentucky nursing home?

In this situation, damages will depend on the cause of the sepsis, the unique injuries suffered, and how a recovery is pursued. How the Nursing Home Resident Developed Sepsis Before you can recover damages from a nursing home for a sepsis injury, you must first prove that…

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Can I file a lawsuit if my loved one died from septic shock in a nursing home?

You are devastated by the loss of your elderly loved one. You trusted the nursing home to keep him safe, but somehow he died of septic shock in their care. You are now wondering if there is anything you can do to hold the nursing…

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