This seems like a straightforward question that could simply be answered with the name of a state. Unfortunately, that is not possible. What you are asking about is complicated. Since the crash occurred in Kentucky, you may be able to file a lawsuit in Kentucky, but other states, such as the state where the trucking company is headquartered, may also be options.
How to Decide Where to File Your Truck Accident Injury Case
You face an important and challenging decision. If you file your truck crash lawsuit in a state court that does not have legal jurisdiction to hear your claim, your case may be promptly dismissed without you recovering anything in damages. In some cases, you may have more than one option about where to file your claim, but there may be advantages to filing your case in one court rather than another.
For these reasons, it is important to consult with a truck accident lawyer who has experience representing people who have been hurt in interstate truck accidents. A lawyer can review all of the factors of your case and advise you as to the pros and cons of all of your options.
Schedule a Free Consultation With a Truck Accident Lawyer Today
Deciding where to file a truck crash case is not the only difficult legal decision you will face after being hurt in a truck wreck. Other decisions such as which defendant(s) to name, which expert witnesses you may need, how much to claim in damages, and other strategic legal decisions will need to be made.
You are not expected to know how to make these difficult and often confusing choices yourself. Instead, you have the right to work with an experienced truck accident lawyer who can help you make them. For more information about your rights and about how a lawyer can help you, please contact the experienced legal team at Gray & White Law for a free, no-obligation consultation. We can be reached 24/7/365 via this website or by phone.
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