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Abusive Head Trauma Causes Blindness, Seizures or Death in KY Children
Is there a chance my baby suffered a baby shaking injury?
You have probably heard about the dangers of shaking a baby and the importance of protecting an infant’s head as he develops. But what you may not realize is that head trauma is the leading cause of death in child abuse cases in the United States and that this type of abuse may not be easy to detect.
Shaken baby syndrome is the commonly-known name of infant abusive head trauma, a form of violent abuse that will often cause traumatic brain injury in Kentucky children. Abusive head trauma may be caused by shaking, dropping an infant or throwing a child against an object. This can cause concussions, contusions, or even early death.
Here are a few things you should know about shaken baby syndrome in KY:
- The majority of abusive head trauma victims are infants less than 1 year old.
- In most cases, the abusers are caregivers, relatives, or the child’s parents. Studies suggest that 65% to 90% of these perpetrators are male.
- The violent shaking of an infant forces the baby’s brain to move within the skull, causing hemorrhaging, nerve damage, and even seizures in the infant.
- The chances of infant mortality increase if a shaking episode ends with an impact, such as hitting a crib or the floor.
- Even one short incidence of shaking (lasting 5 seconds or fewer) can cause developmental problems and brain damage in a child.
- After a child is rescued from a shaking episode, he must be monitored carefully. Trauma can cause the brain to swell, causing pressure within the skull and increasing the risk of death or lifelong injury.
If your child suffered baby brain damage in KY at the hands of a caregiver, the attorneys at Gray and White can help you get justice. Call us today at 800.634.8767 or fill out the contact form on the top of this page to set up your FREE, one-on-one consultation. Your call is free, and we charge you nothing unless we win your case.