February 2014

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Poor city planning can cause a car crash due to rock-slides, floods, and dangerous snow piles. A lawyer discusses liability after a fatal Pike County KY crash.

Related Links: 8 Tips for Driving in the Snow in Kentucky Look Out Kentucky Drivers, Here It Comes!—Winter, That Is Now that the snow has fallen and the plows are working overtime to clear the roads, you may be tempted to think that the worst…

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My husband died after his brain swelled during surgery in Pikeville, KY. Was there any way the doctors could have prevented his death?

Related Links: Could Your Doctor Have Prevented a Fatal Brain Injury in Pikeville KY? Questions ER Staff Should Ask When Treating Pikeville Brain Injuries While doctors may not have been able to prevent the brain from swelling, there are a number of medical procedures that…

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I’ve heard of Erb’s palsy and cerebral palsy, but how can I tell if my baby is suffering from Klumpke’s palsy in Kentucky?

Related Links: Did Your Baby Suffer Cerebral Palsy at Appalachian Regional Hospital? Can You Tell Me More About Erb’s Palsy in Kentucky? Klumpke’s palsy is an injury to a baby’s brachial plexus, a network of nerves running between the neck and the arm. The nerves…

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Important Ruling Against Boston Scientific in Pelvic Mesh Lawsuit

In November 2012, Roseanne Sanchez filed a pelvic mesh lawsuit against Boston Scientific.  In her lawsuit, Ms. Sanchez alleged that she was injured by a Pinnacle pelvic floor repair kit and an Advantage transvaginal mid-urethral sling in January 2010. Boston Scientific Seeks to Have Case…

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Identifying Hypothermia Symptoms Prevents KY Nursing Home Cold Deaths

It may seem unthinkable that someone could die of cold exposure while under medical care. Unfortunately, for a man in Washington State, it became a reality: his wife of 69 years died of hypothermia in a dementia-care facility last December. Ninety-year-old Donald Sheldon says that…

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Elderly Nursing Home Residents May Suffer Fatal Hypothermia in KY

Related Links: Are Nursing Homes Doing Enough to Prevent Kentucky Elder Abuse Deaths? Wandering or Eloping From Kentucky Nursing Homes The recent wave of sub-zero temperatures sweeping across the state has likely forced you to bundle up to brave the cold. You may even have…

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